The Ocean Enterprise Study 2020
You're Invited to Be a Part of This Important Study

What is the Ocean Enterprise Study?
Ocean observations, measurements and forecasts are essential inputs to effective, safe and sustainable use of the ocean and ocean resources, and underpin increasingly vital scientific research. The Ocean Enterprise Study 2020 aims to understand the present scale and scope of U.S. business activity in the provision of products and services enabling ocean observations, measurements and forecasts and the commercial use of ocean information to support the needs of a growing ocean economy.
The Ocean Enterprise Study 2020 is supported by the U.S. National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS, www.ioos.noaa.gov), and is being conducted by the ERISS Corporation.
The 2020 Ocean Enterprise Study will deliver an update to earlier work conducted in 2015. Click here to view that report.
We invite your organization to contribute to this important study though participation in an online survey.
What are the benefits of participating?
Helping to demonstrate the growing activity and economic importance of the U.S. Ocean Enterprise business sector.
Helping decision makers better understand the scale, scope, and needs of this important industry sector, and its essential contribution to the potential of the total ocean economy.
Providing valuable guidance to NOAA and IOOS on how best they can interact with and support a vibrant U.S. Ocean Enterprise industry sector.
Contributing to understanding changes since the 2015 study.

Who should sign up?
Companies or organizations that provide technology or infrastructure used to observe, measure, or forecast the ocean, Great Lakes, and coastal environments or who contribute to products and services that serve those functions.
Companies or organizations that use observations, measurements, and forecasts of the ocean, Great Lakes, or coastal environments to support the creation of data and information products used to support the needs of those operating in the marine environment.
What is the study's focus?
Characterizing the businesses comprising the U.S. Ocean Enterprise.
Quantifying the economic and employment impact of U.S. Ocean Enterprise businesses.
Understanding the technology areas and geographical markets served by U.S. Ocean Enterprise businesses.
Determining the scale and scope of U.S. business activity in delivering information products in support of the ocean economy.
Identifying key trends and expectations for U.S. Ocean Enterprise companies.
Better understanding the relationship between Ocean Enterprise businesses and the activities of NOAA and US IOOS.

How will the study be conducted?
The study will comprise:
A comprehensive online survey.
Targeted personal interviews of selected volunteer businesses.
Comprehensive quantitative and qualitative research from across the current state of available industry information.
The results of the study will be communicated at key conferences and trade events starting in Fall 2020, with an accompanying and detailed final report.
All study results will be reported at an aggregated level and individual company survey information will be kept strictly confidential.
What is US IOOS®?
US IOOS is the nation’s eyes on the ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes. We are an integrated network of people and technology gathering observing data and developing tracking and predictive tools to benefit the economy, the environment, and public safety across the nation and around the globe.
US IOOS is comprised of 17 federal agencies, 11 regional associations (RAs), and a technology verification and validation organization, the Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT). Additional partners include a large and growing number of organizations from industry; academia; state, local, and tribal governments; and other federal and non-federal governmental organizations.
Have questions or comments? Please contact steven.tally@eriss.com